Dispatch Courses

Re-qualification Dispatch Course


This course is designed to provide instructions in the Basic and Advanced Technical knowledge required by an aircraft dispatcher


Minimum prerequisites:

The requirements to issue Dispatch License are:

  1.  Medical Fit For Duty Certificate
  2. Complete successfully flight requalification dispatch course.



Theoretical Training, At least 42 Programmed Hours

Conversion Dispatch Course


This course is designed to provide instructions in the Basic and Advanced Technical knowledge required by an aircraft dispatcher


Minimum prerequisites:

1. Medical Fit For Duty Certificate

2. Dispatch License



Theoretical Training, At least 35 Programmed Hours

Abridge Dispatch Course


This course is designed to provide instructions in the Basic and Advanced Technical knowledge required by an aircraft dispatcher


Minimum prerequisites:

The requirements to issue Dispatch License are:

1. A Medical Fit For Duty Certificate

2. A Minimum educational level of successful completion of high school (Tawjihi) or equivalents.

3. The applicant can read, write, speak and understand English Language.

4. Complete successfully flight Abridged dispatch course.

Recurrent Dispatch Course


This course is designed to provide instructions in the Basic and Advanced Technical knowledge required by an aircraft dispatcher


Minimum prerequisites:

  1. Medical Fit For Duty Certificate
  2. Dispatch License



Theoretical Training, At least 21 Programmed Hours