In-Flight Training
In-Flight Safety & Service Training
It takes a lot of time, energy and enthusiasm, but cabin crew training is also a lot of fun. And you’ll be taught everything you need to know in 16 days period, so you’re ready to fly.
The Initial Cabin Crew Safety Training Course is the first and essential step towards the flight attendant career. The training is dedicated to cover all matters concerning specific cabin crew member proficiency requirements and should be followed by the Conversion Training Course for the specific aircraft type.
JATS is a Type Rating Training Organization for Pilots, and has the approval by the Jordanian Civil Aviation Regulatory commission according to (JCAR) regulations 1.1005 to conduct Cabin Crew Initial Training.
Successful completion of the course leads to an Attestation, as per Ops 1.1005/ Initial Training.
Our cabin crew training is adapted to suit the needs of each airline operator and the requirements for their corresponding Authority. We have experience of working on a worldwide basis training cabin crew from around the world.
Our highly professional instructors will guide and help you during all the phases of the training. We expect you to work hard, focus and give your best on all the exams, lessons and drills; we will evaluate your performance continuously. Your commitment will pay off when you become a certified cabin crew member.
What is being a Cabin Crew Member all about?
The work of a flight attendant is very exciting and offers the opportunity to meet different people. From the moment you welcome passengers onboard the aircraft, their safety and comfort are your concern. You will be demonstrating emergency procedures, serving meals and drinks, taking care of special needs passengers, and may be selling duty-free items. You will deal with both routine tasks, as well as exceptional and challenging situations.
Flight attendants are important representatives of the airline and must present a good image at all times. A flight attendant should:
Have a friendly, caring personality.
Be contactable at all times (make sure your cell phone is turned on).
Have a reliable means of getting to work at unusual hours - being ‘on time’ for work is vital.
Excellent customer service to passengers while ensuring their comfort and safety throughout the flight is only a small part of a flight attendant job.